On Friday, January 29, 2010, I had the exciting opportunity to hear Dr. Jan Hasbrouck, a Treasures author speak. I was in Chicago conducting an early morning sales presentation. Susan Leitao, one of the Chicago Public Schools sales reps told me that she had arranged for Dr. Hasbrouck to come to Chicago to speak to a group of Chicago teachers. Susan gave me the address and after my sales presentation I went to hear her speak. Dr. Hasbrouck worked as a reading specialist for 15 years and has taught undergraduate and graduate courses as a university professor. Her research in reading fluency, academic assessment and interventions have been widely published. She is a dynamic speaker and a very knowledgeable educator. I really learned a lot from her and was excited to have the opportunity to get to meet her. Since I was flying out of Midway Airport and so was Dr. Hausbrock, I offered to give her a ride. On the ride to the airport I had the opportunity to learn more about her background in the field of education. I also heard the story of how she met and began to collaborate with her educational partner, Dr. Vicki Gibson, another Treasures author. I shared with Dr. Hasbrouck that I was an ABD at Saint Louis University and that I was interested in completing my PhD. She said that it saddens her to see individuals come so close to completing their PhD and never do. She is also sad to see individuals with potential never go after a PhD. She told me she has encouraged PhD candidates who are having difficulty completing their dissertations partner with a professor who has a pile of research they are unable to get to. She told me that I shouldn't worry what the topic is on, rather, I should get the degree completed and begin my own research. I was energized by Dr. Hasbrouck's words and I am going to take some steps this week towards my goal.
Rosalyn Johnson (Glencoe Rep), Susan Leitao (Chicago Sales Rep, Dr. Jan Hasbrouck, and me.
Dr. Hasbrouck and me.
That sounds like great advice....from someone who should know!